
Seo Keyong-Yeon, a Korean-born pianist. In 2008, she was granted a master's degree in piano playing under the instruction of Adrzej Dutkiewicz at Fryderyk Chopin University of Music and Ph.D. at Stanislaw Moniuszko Academy of Music in Poland with Marek Mizera in 2014. Following her passion for collaborative piano,  she got in the certificate program of opera coaching and art song studio with director of coaches Anna Marchwinska at the Polish National Grand Theatre. As a member of the European Network of Opera Academy(ENOA), she worked with world-famous artists such as Eytan Pessen, Matthias Rexroth, Olga Pasichnyk, and Helmut Deutsch. She was involved in several opera productions in Polish National Grand Theatre in Warsaw from 2016 to 2018. As an official accompanist, she was invited to Ningbo International vocal competition in 2018 and Moniuszko Vocal Competition in Polish National Grand Theatre in 2019. She is an associate professor pianist coach at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing since 2018.


    徐庚延, 韩国青年钢琴演奏家。2008年,就读于华沙肖邦音乐大学,师从于Adrzej Dutkiewicz教授,并取得了硕士学位。随后希曼诺夫斯基音乐学院学习,师从于Marek Mizera教授,并取得钢琴专业的博士学位,2014年。基于对声乐的热爱,她又考入钢琴艺术指导专业,跟随华沙大剧院钢琴艺术指导总监Anna Marchwinska教授学习。

    作为ENOAEuropean Network of Opera Academy)中的一员,徐庚延曾与许多国际一流艺术家合作Eytan Pessen, Matthias Rexroth, Olga Pasicznyk, Helmut Deutsch2016年和2018年她参加了华沙大剧院的多项歌剧制作。2018年受邀参加中国宁波国际声乐比赛和2019年华沙波兰国家大剧院莫纽什科声乐比赛,担任官方伴奏。2018年起任中央音乐学院副教授钢琴艺术指导。

特邀艺术指导&钢琴家 - KyeongYeon Seo | 徐庚延

·中央音乐学院 声乐歌剧系 副教授
·希曼诺夫斯基音乐学院(博士) - 钢琴专业/钢琴艺术指导
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